The Naked Brothers Band: Sidekicks

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There alot of people was very good in the naked brothers band: sidekicks quiz. What is genuis? A genuis is someone who has extraordinarily clever mind.

Are You A expert and genuis On the naked brothers band. Do you Have Brainpower to qualify for this quiz. Until now you could only wonder. But thanks to this great quiz, in few minutes you will find out!

Created by: baija
  1. Who asks Rosalina to the prom?
  2. What was Alex superhero name?
  3. What does the director say the song needs?
  4. Who is the head of the prom committee?
  5. How many girl did Qaasim ask to the Masquerade party?
  6. Did Nat and Rosalina dance to together at the prom?
  7. Is Alex the superhero or sidekick?
  8. What is Rosalina's sidekick name?
  9. What is the first song they sing in the sidekicks movie?
  10. What is Thomas and David's end of the year prank?

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