The MouseHeadz Quiz

Welcome To The MouseHeadz Quiz! Today, you'll answer questions about The MouseHeadz! The MouseHeadz are very toxic so be careful! Also, Edward become very angry when he loses! So angry that his head is on fire!

There's a The MouseHeadz Scratch Studio! Maker Of The MouseHeadz: DTLegendz-XD or DtLegendz-XD_Rises (Sorry but no URLS) For those who don't know what are MouseHeadz, MouseHeadz are anthropomorphic old disney logo shaped characters that has a yellow body with muliticolored outlines

Created by: The MouseHeadz Fan of The MouseHeadz Quiz!
(your link here more info)
  1. Who Is Edward?
  2. What does Issac Like To Do?
  3. What does Belle doesn't like?
  4. What is Gus's gender?
  5. What colour does John hate?
  6. What does Emily hate?
  7. What does Coral like?
  8. What does Dixie like?
  9. What does Robert Like To Do?
  10. What does Oliver Like To Do?
  11. What Did The User, CPSR92, (A Scratch User) Make Alessio Like Doing?
  12. And Finally, What Are The MouseHeadz?

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