The Moulin Rouge! Quiz

Well, I've looked about and I didn't see any Moulin Rouge! quizzes, so I decided to make one. Moulin Rouge! is a 2001 film starring Nicole Kidman and Ewan McGregor.

How well do you know the film? Take the quiz and see if you're enough of a Diamond Dog to work for Harold Zidler in the notorious Moulin Rouge! Good luck!

Created by: chirpysmom

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. When Christian first meets Satine, what is she wearing?
  2. Whose clothes did Christian borrow?
  3. When Satine falls from the swing at the end of "Sparkling Diamonds", who catches he?
  4. What was the play Christian wrote called?
  5. Where does Christian live?
  6. Where is The Duke the Duke of?
  7. How many times does the Narcoleptic Argentinian pass out?
  8. What is "The Duke"'s type, according to Zidler?
  9. Where does The Duke give Satine the diamond necklace?
  10. What does The Duke to the the little frog when Satine shows no interest in it?
  11. What is The Duke's manservant's name?
  12. What is the old cancan dancer's name? (The one with the smelling salts)
  13. Where did Christian get the money to "pay" Satine?
  14. What are the first words Christian types when he begins to tell his and Satine's story?
  15. What did Satine die of?

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