The most random quiz ever

Random people are amazing. they love saying the exact craziest things. Who is random? only the best people can even be random at all. i am a bester person.

Are you a bester person? Find out with this -PIE- quiz. in it you -PIE- will be asked a lot -PIE- of -PIE- questions. so get -PIE- ready for abject humiliation!!!

Created by: Ella
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Random is:
  2. A video camera! looks new, except for that dent.
  3. Bunny POwer!!!
  4. ooh a trash can with stripes on it!!!
  5. you have a can of graffiti.
  6. you're late for soccer practice. what do you do?
  7. BREAK TIME!!!
  8. What question are we on?
  10. This the end so what is your reaction?

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