The moron test!

There are many morons in the world that don't know they are morons but now they deserve to know. So shout (loudly) yes or no depending on how you did.

So are you a moron? Well take this test to find out what nature mAde you. These questions Are made to test morons to the limit. So so give it your best shot.

Created by: UnicornKiss
  1. How many i's does the word you are asked about have.
  2. What is a name?
  3. What country is Jamaica in?
  4. What is an animal?
  5. How many questions have I asked you?
  6. What is not a colour?
  7. Click me
  8. Write an essay about cats
  9. I what is Alice's favourite food?
  10. Do you want to find out your a moron?

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