The Mighty Quiz of Pechuffleness

Ah, Pechuffleyness. Other people call it insanity, but what do they know? They're what we'd call: 'The Boring People'. (tense music, PLEASE) What's life about for you Boring People? Lighten up, chillax, spontaneously book a holiday, take this quiz... (hint hint)

But, this question stands. How Pechuffley are YOU? Could you be as Pechuffley as the creators of this quiz? (If so, you're pretty damn Pechuffley) Go on, just spend a couple-a minutes on this quiz, and see where it can take you... :)

Created by: Rosie and Amy
  1. Who made this quiz?
  2. Why are you taking this quiz?
  3. You are...
  4. Butter.
  5. Give us an interesting fact about yer fine self!
  6. You got dance fever!! :)
  7. Choose a word.
  8. I like waffles.
  9. What do you say most often?
  10. What do you think about this quiz so far?

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