The Merlin Mega quiz

Many, many people watch Merlin all over the world. Yes, we all love that BBC drama for many reasons. The magic spells, the characters, the actors, the story lines, I could go on forever.

But now the show is over. We have seen all 5 series, and then suddenly it ends. Has anything good come out of Merlin's departure? The surprising answer is YES! Now that we know everything that has ever happened in Merlin, we can be tested on our Merlin knowledge! SO take this test, and find out how much you really know about Merlin! But be warned: THIS IS FOR EXPERTS!

Created by: Cassie White
  1. Which type of magical creatures did Edwin use to try and kill Uther in series 1 episode 6?
  2. When did Morgana realise she had magic
  3. What was Merlin's first spell?
  4. When did Morgause first come to Camelot?
  5. When did Morgana get crowned queen of Camelot?
  6. When was Arthur made crown prince of Camelot?
  7. Which one of these episodes does NOT have a kiss in them?
  8. Pick the spell that merlin used to defeat the avank in series 1 ep. 3.
  9. "Mict degena bebecce me. Adeagle biste gast min freondum ond min feondum." What does this spell do and who used it?
  10. Which one of these spells does NOT make fire?
  11. What was the second word Merlin said in series 3 ep. 4?
  12. when were the 2 times that Arthur ask Gwen to marry him?
  13. when was the first time Morgana tried to kill Uther?
  14. What was the second ever word said on Merlin
  15. Guinevere kissed Lancelot in episode:
  16. Who is the first man that we see Uther Kill/killed by order of Uther?
  17. Who is the first man that we see Uther Kill/killed by order of Uther?
  18. who is NOT associated with the sidhe (she)?
  19. Which of these has NOT been mentioned in Merlin?
  20. Who does not have Magic?

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