The Maze Runner Series

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The Maze Runner series is very well written. They are coming out with movies for each book. James Dashner is truly a great author! I'm sure you could agree with me on that.

But do you REALLY know The Maze Runner series? In a few simple questions, you will find out. So, go. Take the quiz, and see how much knowledge you have of the Glade and all its secrets.

Created by: Kayla
  1. In which book do Jorge and Brenda come in?
  2. Who is Aris?
  3. What is Teresa's real name?
  4. Does Gally live after The Maze Runner?
  5. What happens to Lana in The Kill Order?
  6. What is Frypan's job?
  7. Where is the Scorch?
  8. What is one of the events in The Death Cure?
  9. How many years earlier does The Kill Order occur?
  10. Why does Ben get forced into The Maze?

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