The Mannequin Test

Do you know about mannequins? Duh, you do, people see them every day! In malls, stores, houses (?) hair name it! However, mannequins have a rich history and many unknown mannequin facts exist. How many of these facts do YOU know? Find out now!

P.s if you score any lower than 60%, you owe me a million bucks and a coupon to a store with multiple mannequins)-Manne3quinz, the quizzer 🦑😈😝🤪👱🏻‍♀️

Created by: Manne3quinz
  1. What is A mannequin?
  2. You see a mannequin. It says hey to you.
  3. You are a mannequin.
  4. Yes, you are a mannequin.
  5. [you aren’t actually a mannequin it’s just part of the quiz]
  6. When it comes to mannequins, you are..
  7. Mannequin challenge is the best!
  8. b---- lasagna ya psycho
  9. Guess the song: were so semi-automatic, estatic..
  10. f--- boys get money, money, money, money, money,

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