The love quiz to see true love

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See if your true love loves you (girls quiz) only for girls that have a bf that you think that he loves you. just love your self :) love is what you need :) be the true love :p

Are YOU in love? Well this is the quiz to show if your bf loves you or not so good luck whit this and enjoy your day and have a smile on your face btw this will not be that ecurite like a 10 % out so pls rate.

Created by: jessicabusuttil
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. is your bf/gf name
  2. dose he has a six pack
  3. eyes colour
  4. hair colour
  5. dose he/she has an ex girl friend/boy friend
  6. dose he has a pet
  7. dose he call you babe?
  8. fate can guide you now choose one
  9. would you rader be a
  10. dose he ever called you a slut?
  11. did he ever called you names?
  12. did he ever asked you on a date?
  13. when he farts dose he tells ''you do you smell pop corn?''
  14. did you ever met
  15. last question : dose he tell you ''my bae you are amazing''?

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