The life of Abraham bible quiz

So you think you know the life of Abraham? Why don't you test your knowledge and you might come to see you literally know NOTHING. Or maybe you do... never know until you try.

Are you a Bible genius? or a Bible amutuer? Or are you just in the middle???? take this quiz and the results will tell you. Or dont... and never find out.

Created by: Alexis
  1. In what place did God scatter the people so he could confuse the language?
  2. When in Egypt, what did Abram tell the Egyptians about his wife to protect them?
  3. Which is a reason for the separation of Abram and his nephew Lot?
  4. What happened to Lot when he reached Sodom?
  5. What did God say would happen to Abrahams descendants in chapter 15?
  6. Why have Abram and Sarah not had any children?
  7. With whom did Sarai tell her husband Abram to conceive a child?
  8. Which two people change their names?
  9. What name did God tell Abraham and Sarah to name their son he promised?
  10. Why did Sarah laugh when she found out she was going to have a child?
  11. What was Gods plan for Sodom?
  12. Why was Abraham upset with Gods plans for Sodom?
  13. Who were the two men who arrived in Sodom in chapter 19?
  14. What did Lot offer the towns men instead of giving them his guests?
  15. In what place did Abraham call Sarah his sister again?
  16. What happened to Abrahams son Ishmael after Isaac was weaned?
  17. How did God test Abrahams faith in chapter 22?
  18. How old was Sarah when she died?
  19. What was Isaacs wifes' name?
  20. Who was Abrahams' second wife?

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