The Legend Of Zelda Quiz~

There are a lot of Zelda fans, but let's just see how mtch of a Zelda fan you are. But remember there may be some1 always a bigger fan, but don't get jealous it's a source of death!

What is one of Link's most famous appearances in?

Created by: kelo
  1. Who is the main character in the legend of zelda
  2. In majora's mask who is referd to as an old friend?
  3. In twilight princess what is you horses name?
  4. Who captured the monkey and little kid in TP?
  5. In wind waker what is the name of links home?
  6. In OOT who is links partner
  7. In super smash bros what zelda characters are in it?
  8. In supersmash bro's meele does young link have equipment from MM or OOT
  9. What is the name of the song that link plays to wrap in MM?
  10. What is ne of links most famous appearnce in?

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