The keeper of the lost cities character quiz

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This quiz isn’t about sharing personal information it’s about having fun.if you don’t have fun please let me know why.after you do this quiz please share it with others.

Also if you have any additional questions or you think I could improve this quiz please let me know.also,let me know who your favorite character is.i hope you have fun.

Created by: Meghan
  1. Which is your favorite book?
  2. Who is your favorite character?
  3. if you were to be adopted by any parent who would you chose
  4. What is your favorite color
  5. If you were going to chose to look after an animal what would you chose?
  6. What is your favorite animal?
  7. If you were mr.forkle and you were choosing special abilities to give your elf which one would you chose?
  8. If you were to chose between two types of clothing would you chose a tunic with pants and a cape or a fancy dress?
  9. If you were to chose one of Sophie’s body guards to be yours who would you pick
  10. Who would you save if you could only save one person

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