The Journey: Part One | Comments
Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz The Journey: Part One.
Hey, thats an awesome quiz! One thing though, i'm a guy, and it seems that the answers were like for girls! Anyway I like the story outline! I just luv your quizes, can't wait for part 2! I give you a 10! Nice!
Dude, awesome quiz! I survived! Continue making more!!!!
Hey, Dragon Kitty is a girl, not a guy
awesome quiz by the way -
WwowW this is awesome 10/10 by the way i'm a girl but you should make one for boys since they like it
Where's part 2!?
It was kind of for girls wasn't it?
Still awesome.
P.S- WHERE'S PART 2!!!!!!!!!!???????? ?????? -
@Kish- UR A GUY?!?!
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