The John Barrowman/David Tennant Kiss

There are those who watched Doctor Who and there are those who watched Torchwood, then there are those who watched both. And they are the one's you're gonna have to watch...

Do you love David Tennant?? Do you love John Barrowman?? Do you love them both?? Would you like them both - at the same time?? I would! Do continue...

Created by: Jen of Jen's Myspace
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Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Who is sexier...??
  2. Which notorious lover did David Tennant famously play...??
  3. What kids TV show did John present...??
  4. In what did David Tennant star alongside David Morrissey...??
  5. What sexuality does John claim to be...??
  6. Who is the one person that holds Captain Jack Harkness and David Tennant as The Doctor together...??
  7. What colour are The Doctor and Captain Jack's overcoats...??
  8. What weapons do John Barrowman and David Tennant regularly play with...??
  9. In what year did Captain Jack and The Doctor first meet...??
  10. Should Captain Jack and The Doctor share an on screen kiss in the cross over episode...??

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