The Impossible Test

This is a quiz to test your knowledge, it is a joke quiz so please do not be discouradged if you loose. Have fun! Now i need to fill these boxes with something to take up the space so that i can publish it

Boof this is ood and it is bad th9s fishr7 ustdwui sudtwu uastdu fiwyasdo asiu7fymaisdy oasyfiwj oaiusjdudiufij osudhwuu uyyythygfdy yta ubrjabered fjsufjhwu fiuyoayhfki owhfosufpa9im mfjmfj fiw fisha iah

Created by: Game_Break
  1. How many Holes In A Baseball
  2. Can A Match Fence?
  3. UHiufgejuiyhagsdpiuj&Uyh0fi9ya9y8ju
  4. What's This?
  5. Square Root Of Onions
  6. the awnser is REALLY BIG
  7. What sound does a bell make?
  8. Color in BOGGY the correct order! He is a squid. Insert paper here: make your colors.
  9. Great Job!
  10. Do You Play Fortnite Or Roblox or Minecraft?
  11. IMPOSSIBLE QUESTION FINALE!What is my Username?

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