The impossible quiz

Welcome to the impossible quiz! This is the hardest quiz ever. Don't believe me? If you attempt this, you will want to quit. No one can do that on any of my quizzes.

You are going to fail. You will not, under any circumstance, get above a 30. Every question gets people to think it's easy. To beat this quiz, you have to be logical.

Created by: jwziliak
  1. What comes after z?
  2. Does your shirt have holes in it?
  3. A bald man had purple eyes, purple skin, a purple tong, and purple teeth. What color was his hair?
  4. Garry's mother had 5 children. There names were One, Two, Three, and Four. What is the name of the 5th child?
  5. The answer is not easy.
  6. What does DNA stand for
  7. How many letters are in the alphabet?
  8. 4+4
  9. How many animals did Moses bring on the ark?
  10. look down
  11. What do you put in a toaster?
  12. Have you ever went online before?
  13. What is between heaven and Earth?
  14. What is answer is correct. (hint, only one description is correct but it might not be the answer)
  15. How much dirt is there in a hole that is 4 feet tall, 67 feet wide, and 289 feet tall?

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