The Howrse Quiz

This is a somewhat simple quiz about horse, just to see how much you know about the game. If you do great, good job! If not, well, research! There's always next time.

How much do YOU know about Howrse? You'll find out after this quiz! Answer all the questions to see the percent you know of Howrse. Hopefully you know the basics, at least!

Created by: PuddingCup55

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. How many Cowbras are on Howrse?
  2. What 6 species are there?
  3. When can you vote for an illustration?
  4. Uggy is:
  5. Which two divines make Moon?
  6. How many breeds of horses/ponies are on International Howrse?
  7. When are you able to get 1 pass without paying?
  8. When can you build your EC?
  9. True or False: Pluto is a Divine
  10. True or False: You can buy horses from the Safe Haven.
  11. True or False: There are 100 main objectives.

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