The how to train your dragon dragon testt

there are many smart people but few geniuses out there.If your smart and like how to train your dragon come and make a website for it and help us.Become the best how to train your dragon trainer.

Are you a genius you could help us and get a random amount of money if you make 10,000 more people come on to this website.And play to see if you the best trainer EVER

Created by: nolan
  1. what are dragons favorite fish
  2. what is the most powerfulest dragon
  3. what is your favorit color
  4. whats you age
  5. are u a fighter or a lover
  6. how big do u want the dragon to be
  7. would you want a dragon who can coppie a lot or not
  8. would you want a dragon that is fun and playful or not
  9. do u want a slow but powerful or fast and powerful
  10. want a dragon as smarts and jaw stgrenth or the hot fire

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Quiz topic: The how to train my dragon dragon testt