the hardest quiz

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Are you up for this challenge? Well do it now! And maybe chat with me on this website if you pass this quiz! Plus you'll be awesome if you do! So take it now!

I just said it there^ so what else should i say? i no, comment on this quiz please. thanks for using your time for this hardish quiz!? or what ever you call this quiz!:D (im so bored can't you tell?)

Created by: brittany
  1. what do i like most?
  2. what video does mario die in by a banana?
  3. Who threw a water bottle at justin bebier?
  4. How old im i?
  5. What does my sister hate?
  6. will i have a boyfriend tomorrow?
  7. in the cat in the hat, what happens?
  8. What school does sonic go to?
  9. What is my user name on a website?
  10. What do i say most of the time?

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