The HARDEST Casualty Quiz you will EVER take!

Casualty is a TV programme shown on BBC1 on a Saturaday night. If you don't have BBC1 I am sorry because everyone has BBC1 in England. I am wondering if anyone in America has it. Please comment and say if you have got it because I am curious to know.

I like Casualty and there are so many things that happens. I hate writing these things they are so boring! Anyway, plaese take my quiz about Casualty because I weould love to get some hits on it so yeah please!! I like Casualty and Strictly come dancing!!

Created by: Hannah

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. The date is October 2008, what series of Casualty is currently on?
  2. What is Dixie's real name?
  3. In what series did Greg join?
  4. What was the name of Comfort's murdered husband?
  5. Is Cyd a boy or a girl?
  6. Who plays Dr. Maggie Coldwell?
  7. Is Abs a boy or a girl?
  8. How did Ellen die?
  9. Who proposed to Dr. Selena Donovan in series 21?
  10. How did Ruth try to kill herself?
  11. Who bought Abs the red hippy wagon?
  12. How many of Toby's parents are doctors?
  13. At Tess's 20th anniversary party, who spiked the punch with vodka?
  14. What is the name of Jeff's wife?
  15. What are the names of Maggie's 2 children?
  16. Where is Greg from?
  17. Why is Greg in England?
  18. Who came from the Kiwi army in series 21?
  19. Last question...How many series of Casualty has there been?

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