the happy life quiz

life can be happy, life can be sad. But we all half to live through it, and God only knows when it will end for you. Live life to the fullest and honor God, so when your day comes, your life was worth it.

is YOUR life happy? Or do you just think its happy? Remember money cant make your life perfect, but people can. Take this quiz and see! Hope you like it!

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Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. which would you describe yourself money wise?
  2. how would your friend describe you?
  3. how many sibilings do you have?
  4. whats your favorite singers out of these choices?
  5. how many friends do you have?
  6. dogs or cats
  7. fat?
  8. relationship?
  9. weirdness test
  10. job/ what i wanna be when i grow up
  11. leave a commet if it worked/ not worked thanks
  12. bye

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