The Hannah Hart quiz

This quiz was created because my favourite YouTuber is called Hannah Hart. she is the creator of the YouTube series "My Drunk Kitchen" and is a funny, entertaining and lovely YouTube who everyone should have the delight to watch.

I would say I know her character quite well but do you? with this quiz you can find out how much you know about Hannah. so do you think you have what it takes to answer some easy and challenging questions about her? I hope you have revised!

Created by: Charlotte

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is her middle name?
  2. When was the first My Drunk Kitchen uploaded?
  3. At what convention did Hannah, Grace and Mamrie meet?
  4. How tall is she?
  5. In the Electra Woman and Dyna Girl remake that her and Grace are doing what colour is Hannah's costume?
  6. What is her sexual orientation?
  7. What is her most viewed video?
  8. What colour eyes does she have?
  9. Who is she most shipped with?
  10. When Hannah was at school she took part in a game at lunch times called "Will she eat it?". what other YouTuber did this game?

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