The Groupchat Quiz

abcdikeofoejfjefjejfekfkek llooo lelrifpwiefioweuifwcfvnwokdjqwoisqwop efgioperuiguioeruiog qwiodqhuiowhuiodnqwdhqwocho uqe huiwhuidcwhuidhuiq wdhuiqwdhuiqhuidhui

vabcdikeofoejfjefjejfekfkek qwepidqwioqdfhiowefbkw erfgehuiohuirfwcvhiuwehuirfhuiwe fwjioefwhifwhuiefu qwedfuioqwhudhuqhuif werfghuioewhuofqhuodhuioqwhiodqwhuioop

Created by: Ahmed
  1. Who is the MOST bullied member in our GC
  2. who is the funniest gc member?
  3. Who is the LEAST active gc member?
  4. Who is the GC member that always argues and the whole GC jumps in?
  5. who are the 2 biggest dickriders of the gc
  6. whos the gc member that can argue the best?
  7. whos the GC member that just exists and sometimes hops on hint : used to own the gc
  8. whos the GC member that gets sexualized the most?
  9. whos the gc glazer
  10. who lies SO much??????
  11. final questionhow cool is droxz

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