The Gleek Quiz 2.0

My quiz is about how much people all over the world really know about and Amercian show called glee. It is to find out how much people really watch the show. So take this quiz and found out how much all you peole really know about glee.

What 2 girls are dating in the show?

Created by: allyssa

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. who gets married?
  2. who gets pregnant
  3. who goes to jail for stealing an atm
  4. who dated finn first
  5. who winds up marrying finn
  6. who did artie date first
  7. what song did mercedes and santana sing as a duet
  8. who sang the most songs
  9. who doesnt know how to dance
  10. what 2 people are gay in the show
  11. what 2 girls are dating in the show

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