The girl with the dip-dyed hair part 1-10

hey- i nooo most peeps don read theze butt... ok soo this is your dip dyed hair dude story ZAK JOHN CHASE WHO WILL IT BE?! XD anywhoozits IM GONNA POPS SOME TAGS ONLY- DO THE HARLEM- hehe

ok so i need good great awesome or at least nice positive comments to be motivated to update the story so be nice to hear more from your guy lol if you even like the guy you got that is, sorry no pics =(

Created by: Irish Gal
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Ollo Der'!!!!!
  2. whats ur favorite color out of these? -hides behind Niall Horan- dont hurt his perfect face =3
  3. clown serious himself
  4. he calls you-?
  5. name you like ?
  6. this bully flips out on u cuz of ur dip-dyed hair .O.
  7. some dude cuts off the part of ur hair where the dip-dye once was...
  8. FINAL Q - guy type?
  9. imma lier =D tay su actchal fini q.. some random dudes asks for a 1 night stand o_o
  10. AHAHA this aint a question o.o

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