The General Knowledge Quiz

This quiz will sort the idiots from the geniuses, the dumners from the dorks, the stupid from the smart. The random questions show your real knowledge.

Are YOU a genius? Well this will tell you, or not tell you. This is better then a IQ test because it is factual, take this tesr right now please.

Created by: daniel billany
  1. What country do the 10 fattest people in the world come from?
  2. How many Testies did Hitler have?( by the way the song was wrong)
  3. Is a tomato a vegetable
  4. Is a bananna a fruit?
  5. What great lake is just in America?
  6. Do you know who thought of the doppler effect?
  7. Should you swim after eating?
  8. Where is your anvil bone?
  9. How old is your body?
  10. Where is the city of Xoixoi?
  11. Can elephants jump?

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