the gender quiz

do you think, act and speak as a boy or do you think, act and speak like a girl or are you unsure what you personality is. are you one of these people who know what you are and just taking this as a joke

do YOU want to know what the answer is? you are just 12 question away to find out remember to tel me the answer at the end. This quiz will help you find out.

Created by: david
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. there is a big sport event on do you watch it
  2. what do you think about a pink dress
  3. what is your colour do you like
  4. what would you wear to a party
  5. do like the boys
  6. do like the girls
  7. what do you do i you spare time
  8. who do you hang out with
  9. do you like to spend time with mum or dad
  10. do you like to cook or play sports

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