The Foodles Test

You are taking the mood quiz you are very careful on the quzes you pick but you got it under are tryng you best and are succeding in your choices

Are you a Foodle? Do you have the right to say you are a Foodle? Do you have the power to be a Foodle? just a few minutes will change your thoughts on moods.

Created by: Danielle
  1. Do you lke to hang with frends,alot?
  2. Do you love to be aroud ALOT of people?
  3. Fun or Not?
  4. Having a FOODLE yet?
  5. When you get your results what will YOU think?
  6. Loving or Not?
  7. Hey why did you do that?
  8. Will you be happy with your results?
  9. Will, you tell your friends about my test?
  10. Will you be happy about your answers?
  11. Do you want to be done with my quiz?

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