The flash fan quiz

I have watched this show over 8 times and I'm pretty sure I know what I am doing. AND I HAVE SEEN THE PERSON WHO PLAYS THE FLASH IN REAL LIFE sooooooo yeah

i like the flash and so do you and that proly why u taking this quiz and yea. grant gustin is a good actor and i really dont know what to put here sooooo yea

Created by: barry
  1. Who was Savitar's assistant in season 3??
  2. Who is one person that will always stay faster than Barry Allen
  3. who plays barry Allen(IDRC if i put capital or not)
  4. Who did barry date at first
  5. What time was it when barry told iris how he felt the FIRST TIME
  6. who is Barrys BFF
  7. why doesn't barry tell iris he is the flash
  8. What happens in season 3 episode 1
  9. Who does iris date at first
  10. did u like this quiz

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