The First (emo) Kiss - Part 2

I hope you like my quiz and btw im going to call you Jade and a new guy in coming!!! read more to find out lol but you and Liam are soo close after the kiss but Logan is worried about you D: who will YOU choose?

Well i have 5 guys now ... the new guys name is Justin and hes Janams (long lost) Half Brother!! But im warning you hes kinda perverted xD so watch out for Justin cuz he might flirt ALOT lol but still go to the other boys that you like :D

Created by: rubyring123
Personality Test
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. To refresh your memory.. you got passed out after SOMEONE tries to bite you then you woke up and saw everyone fighting/worried.. so you screamed and they gave your some alone time but liam stayed with you and kiss you- logan walked in and caught you 2 in the act so he grabbed liam and haun walked in wondering what was happening then liam was pulled outta the room and being followed by haun.. janam never showed up! what are your thoughts?
  2. Alright i dont want to call you _____ so ill just call you Jade... ok?(you: ok...) anyways!! your saw liam get carried out and you start to feel sad... so you get dressed in some PJ's... what do you get dressed in and who/what do you dream of?
  3. As you doze off... Logan walks in VERY quietly and he whispers.. "jade... i know you probally cant hear me but i-i-im worried about you.. i guess im trying to say..i-i-i lo-...LLOVE you... (oh gosh that was hard to say)" the he walks off and then -fast forward; its 7:43 AM!!! so you wake up and get dressed in some clothes.. what do you get dressed in and what are you thinking about?
  4. When you get finished dressing you see haun walking in stuttering "omigosh!! jade.. oh wow hey.. i thought you would still be asleep.. nice outfit :]" "thanx.." you reply shyly.. "i was just coming downst-stairs :L" you say as you rush your fingers thru your hair.. (whisper)- "hey..Haun..." "yah?" "why havnt i seen you in your.. dragon form?" "uh..well ... im really not sure" "oh.. ok" you say lastly when you 2 are at the bottem of the stairs.. all the boys are sitting on the couch waiting for you.. you walk over and sit by who?..
  5. Whoever you sit by walks to the kitchen real quick and makes some coffee (for you!!) then he walks over and gives it to you "here.. i dont need it :]" says the boy you want it to be (lol) "thanx ____" you reply.. then janam gets up from wherever he is and takes your hand.. "hey ya know.. i think i should take you out on.. on a walk :]" says janam "OH CMON!!! DUDE?!!" says everyone (but janam)you stand up and say "ok" when you guys are outside you imedietly start talking.. what do you want to talk about?
  6. Well you 2 start talking about wolfs in the meantime :D "well.. there are other wolve in our neighbor hood but im pretty sure they dont know about your soon to be special power :]" explains janam "well i was just wondering.. if me and you become a real couple.. can you turn me into one of.. you know.. one of you?" you reply (wonder) .. "ur.. well its not as easy as you think..i have to imprint you and thats a painful prosses.. and it may take a while" he replys "how long? and what do you do?" you say confused.."ive never done it before but i know cuz its happened to me.. i have to either scratch you or bite you but cause no serious harm.. :l" he explains when you reply: "well if we DO become a real couple.. will you imprint me?" "that would be.. hard but id love to aslong as its you jade.. he leans forward to kiss you and when you two are JUST about to kiss something attacks you.. what do you think it is?
  7. ITS A WEREWOLF!!!!! but its not janam?!! all you hear is your screamimg and janam fighting the other werewolf (janams in werwolf form) so you crawl about a foot away and hear janam say "Justin?!!" and the new guy say "JANAM?!!" "wait.. so you 2 KNOW eachother?!!" you yell "yeah.." they both reply.. you get up and they both turn into human form.. you guys talk for a while.. what do you want it to be about?..
  8. Know you know this: Janam has a brother named justin.. Justin is single.. The boys are STILL kinda mad and you should neverrr drink soda xD..... you 3 talk about how justin and janam are related and justin says "well.. we were both impinted in the same clan.. we came from the tiawakuh clan (prunounced tee-uh-wau-kuh) and we found out we were actully half brothers.. we have the same mothers" "wow.." you say "that sounds kinda rough" "not realy.. even know we havnt ran into eachother in like 2 years.. haha" you reach home and logan jumps up when he sees justin "WHATS HE DOING HERE?!!!" the both SCREAM at the same time (justin-logan) "ohno.. please tell me they arent enemys.." you sigh -.-` "they are.. DAMNIT i knew this would happen!!" explains janam.. you jog over to logan and try to calm him down and janam try to do the same with justin... what are you thinking?
  9. As you hold logan and janam holds justin .. janam finally lets go and you let go of logan and they dont charge..or look so angry anymore "go sit down logan.. just to let your nerve out maybe go bite an animal or something.." (hes the vamp) "alright.. thanx Jade" he says "no prob :]" you say back.. "imma go back in my room for a while" you explain and when no one is really looking.. justin creeps up the stairs after you walk in your room and closed the door.. you start getting different clothes on cuz yours are dirty.. what do you wear?
  11. So far.. Who do you like?

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