The First Annual Spring Splequrg Quiz!

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Splquerg is the word! Enjoy the first ever weirdest quiz on the planet! And prepare yourself for never before seen weirdness! So enjoy this second same paragraph!

Splquerg is the word! Enjoy the first ever weirdest quiz on the planet! And prepare yourself for never before seen weirdness! So enjoy this second same paragraph! Oh wait! There isn't a second paragraph? Okay. Then just take the quiz!

Created by: Splequrg
  1. What Number was I Thinking Of When I Made This Quiz?
  2. What Day Do You Think I Made This On?
  3. What Unknown Company created the YouTube Series "Isle of Survivors" and is Creating "LPS: Survivors"?
  4. What Letter Was I Thinking of When I made This Quiz?
  5. What is My Favorite Color?
  6. How Tall Am I?
  7. Do you think these Questions are Random?
  8. In the Episode "Band Geeks" during the Bubble Bowl, a Man is in the crowd with a green shirt. What does it say?
  9. On Renaissance Place, there is an arrow that says "Discover Books". What color is it?
  10. Finally, On the Google home page for "Spring Equinox", how many flowers bloom?

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