The Extremely R@ndom Quiz

Hey come and check out this awesome and totally random quiz,, It will take time but i think you would really enjoy it!!! 13 great questions waiting just for you to click here and start the random know you want to!!!!!!!!

Are you ready for the randomest quiz on earth?? Well maybe not the randomist quiz on earth just a general quiz on stuff...On your marks, get set, STOP!! Random huh? Ok just go! :)

Created by: george boughton
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Are you ready for this quiz?
  2. R u Popular?
  3. Do u no who CARL BARRON is???
  4. Have you ever watched gossip girl?
  5. Whats your favourite TV show?
  6. Kyle Reimers, Marc Murphy and Shannon Byrnes are in what sport
  7. What are you?
  8. Do you snore, talk or dribble in your sleep?
  9. Do you think this quiz is random?
  10. Do you want this to be the last question?
  11. On question 12 did u press yes?

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