The Endocrine Quiz

Now that you have reviewed some important facts about the endocrine system, how about you quiz yourself and see how well you really understand it. This quiz will certainly improve your understanding of the Endocrine system.

Take this short ten question quiz and check how well you know endocrine system. This quiz shouldn't be too hard. If you think you can handle it go right ahead and take it.

Created by: Mario
  1. Which of these organs is not part of the Endocrine System?
  2. Which endocrine organ is responsible for keeping the bodies homeostasis?
  3. Which endocrine organ is located behind the thyroid gland and in the neck region?
  4. How many parathyroid glands do we have in our body?
  5. What is the main element the parathyroid regulates in our body?
  6. Which endocrine organ is referred to as "the third eye"?
  7. Where is the pineal gland located?
  8. Which endocrine organ is referred to as "the master organ"?
  9. Which endocrine organ produces T-lyphocytes?
  10. What does the thyroid need to help secrete the hormones?

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