the dumbest quiz known to man

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do you think you are a horable person and a good human or a good person and a horable human. well this qwiz will show you so take the qwiz and finger it out

why does there have to be a second paragraph the first one was long and you already know what the quiz is about so just take it already whelp I still have more characters so...hbbfhvbakhdfbvuhabfuvhabuydfbgy.

Created by: my name
  1. how much is too much
  2. what is the most expensive item known to man
  3. what is the meaning of life
  4. your life goal should be
  5. what should you do with cheese
  6. what is the best way to make someone happy
  7. a man on the side of the street needs help do you
  8. what would you do if everyone but you disappeared
  9. this is the last question
  10. what is the best snack

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