The Dragon Ball,Dragon Ball Z,and GT Quiz

This is a test that will show how much you know about the different Dragon Ball series,such as Dragon Ball,Dragon Ball Z,Dragon Ball GT. Try this quiz,test your Dragon Ball knowledge!

Are you a true Dragon Ball fan? Try this quiz,test your Dragon Ball knowledge,see how much you know,and find out which Dragon Ball character you are!

Created by: Gavin
  1. Goku kills General Tao with a Kamehameha.
  2. General Tao becomes a cyborg.
  3. Goku has to fight ........ in the 21st' World Martial Arts Tournament in the final round.
  4. Goku marries Chi-Chi in the ....... World Martial Arts Tournament.
  5. There are..... Para-Para brothers.
  6. Chi-Chi is turned into a..... by Buu.
  7. ..... kills Dr. Mui.
  8. ....... is a fusion of Goku and Vegeta by doing the fusion dance.
  9. ....... is a fusion with the Pottara Earings.
  10. ....... is a failed fusion of Goku and Vegeta with the fusion dance.
  11. ........ is a fake fusion.
  12. ....... is the newest guardian.
  13. ..... is the reincarnation of Buu.
  14. ....... stays with each guardian.
  15. Planet...... is a planet in GT.
  16. ...... is a robot friend from GT.
  17. Kid Krillin was killed by .........
  18. ...... is Goku's best friend.

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