The Diacritical Mark Quiz

There are many diacritical marks, in this word like, tildes, commas, acutes, graves and lots more, some look obvious some look weird, Hope you like this quiz...

Are you a genius about these diacritical marks, well you can find out in this quiz! Until now you could only wonder how well do you know about these marks!

Created by: Victor
  1. Which one is the Acute Accent?
  2. Circumflex accent looks like a what?
  3. Dieresis has another name is?
  4. Which one is the Tilde accent?
  5. The dieresis accent pronounces like what?
  6. The cedilla accent can use on which letter?
  7. If you want to put a diacritical mark on e from bed which one would you choose to pronounce e in bed?
  8. What are all the letters that you can only put diacritical marks on?
  9. Did you like this quiz?
  10. Goodbye!!!

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