The Declaration

This is a quiz for the book The declaration that I made for my English Assignment. It is a great book and you should read it if you haven't already.

How well do you know the declaration. Do you know the story line as well as the character and little details. Test yourself with this quiz.

Created by: Tayla Graham
  1. In what tense is this book written in?
  2. What colour is Anna's diary?
  3. Why is Anna not meant to have a diary?
  4. Why does Peter go to Grange Hall?
  5. What is longevity?
  6. What is on Peters ring?
  7. What is on Peters ring?
  8. How old was Anna when she went to Grange Hall?
  9. What is Anna's favourite thing to do?
  10. Where is the first place Anna and Peter go when they escape form Grange Hall?

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