the darkorbit quiz

Do you think you know darkorbit? Are you good at quizzes? If you answered yes or no to either of these questions then play my quiz and test your knowledge in darkobit.

Do you want to play darkorbit but don't know if you will know it good enough? If you don't take this quiz you can only risk it but if you do take it you will know if you have what it takes to be a true space pilot.

Created by: dggerr
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Name the real lazer ammo. (3 possible answers)
  2. Name the real lazer ammuntition. (3 possible answers)
  3. Which ship is fake
  4. which drone is real
  5. what lazer is real (4)
  6. what generators are real (2)
  7. what has nothing to do with darkorbit
  8. What is armoury
  9. Did you like my quiz 1-6
  10. would you tell your friends

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