The Creatu Quiz

there are so many creatu alive but only five are good for personality tests. wich creatu are you like? the loving Iluvu. the playful shaefu. the creative uilus. the shy veram. or the boring ebilia?

well now is your chance to make a choice find out wich you are. have ever asked yourself what your like to other people find out now just take this simple quiz

Created by: talia

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. how do you spend your weekedns?
  2. do people find you fun or boring
  3. what is your favorite color?
  4. do you like quizes?
  5. have you had your firt kiss
  6. who anoies you most
  7. do you hate when people yell at you to get a social life
  8. do you have a special journal
  9. are you scarred of bugs
  10. what is your favorite flower

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