The cow quiz

Well, some people might think they know a lot about cattle. Here's a quick quiz to find out if you do. I've tried to keep it as accurate as possible, I apologize for any mistakes.

So, how much do you know about these animals? This is based mainly from the dairy point of view, so if any of the answers are wrong or you don't like your score, sorry about that.

Created by: feather

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  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Which is a breed of dairy cattle?
  2. Which is a breed of beef cattle?
  3. Which breed of cattle is typically white or cream coloured?
  4. What is Milk Fever?
  5. What is Mastitis?
  6. What does a cow like to eat best?
  7. How much does an average cow weigh? (sorry, some people might have trouble here as this is in metric measurements)
  8. What does a cow's foot look like?
  9. The rough build of a cow is:
  10. Did you like the cow quiz? (no effect on answer)

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