The completely wrong quiz

Are you smart? If you're taking my quiz I think maybe. I think. Maybe that you are smart in your own way. I am just writing all of this because you need more characters to write.

Do you want to know how long you have to live and if you can get into my messed up head...... Well try my Quiz. please. I am just writing this because it won't let me go on.

Created by: Brendan
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is 2+2
  2. How many licks does it take till you get to the center of a chicken?
  3. Why am I getting a B in spanish?
  4. If x=7 why am I asking this question?
  5. If x=3 then how many fingers am I holding up?
  6. Is this quiz stupid?
  7. Why do I have enough time to write this?
  8. How many minutes do you think I wasted on this?
  9. If there are two questions. What percent do you have of getting it right?
  10. If there are two trains about to collide moving at 70 mph what is your opinion on Al Franken?

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