The Colonial Era

We created this quiz as a part of our Journalism class project. We hope you learned as much as we did by the time you are done taking this quiz! remember there is always more to learn.

Well there are some that know it all and there are some who don't know anything at all! Try your luck and see what you know about the Colonial Press Era!

Created by: Michael Timoney of Wordpress Group A
(your link here more info)
  1. What had a major impact of the newspaper industry
  2. What revolution(s) impacted the newspaper industry?
  3. Which paper was William Parks known for?
  4. Who started the New England Courant?
  5. At what age did Ben Franklin start working with his brother James on the Boston Gazette?
  6. When was the New England Courant released?
  7. What was Americas first newspaper?
  8. What year did Publick Occurrence appear in?
  9. What was the era called when the Federalist party finally collapsed?
  10. When was the last issue of the New England Courant published

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