The Chelsy Quiz

I have several friends, but not all of them take the time to listen. A true friend is someone who listens to you and is always there for you no matter what the circumstances. So the question well do you know me? Lets find out!

Are you one of my close friends? How well do you know me? I want to see just how well you listen when I blab. All you have to do is take this short quiz, and in just a few minutes we will see just how well you know me!

Created by: Chelsy

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. When is my birthday?
  2. What is my middle name?
  3. Who am I currently falling for?
  4. How many siblings do I have?
  5. What is my favorite color?
  6. Laura Roberts has given me a nickname? What is it?
  7. Whatis the name of my favorite song?
  8. What was my basketball number in high school?
  9. Where do I work at?
  10. I am very close with one of my cousins. Can you tell me her first name?
  11. What was my most embarrassing high school moment?
  12. What color do my eyes turn when I am mad?
  13. What kind of car do I drive?
  14. What am I going to college to become?
  15. Is my hair naturally curly or straight?
  16. Have I ever had braces?
  17. What is my favorite movie?
  18. I have two dogs what are there names?
  19. Where is my favorite vacation spot?
  20. What do I do in my spare time?
  21. Who is my favorite basketball player?
  22. When I was younger I attended which christian school?
  23. Are my parents divorced or married?
  24. How do you spell my last name?
  25. Have I ever been drunk?
  26. How many piercings do I have?

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