The chat text quiz

Text, is an unknown language of many forms, but only one way, is most convinient. Lots know how to use it, but lots can STILL MESS UP Lots of people can do it. But can all of them do it?

Can YOU master teh brain messing chat and text language? Only few can actually do it without coming back on brainless. Can YOU make it back and PASS this test?

Created by: Matt

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What tyep of hi is best?
  2. YOur going to say, "Whah the heck?! WHY?" how do you put it?
  3. How do you tell people you are confuse with a statement?
  4. LOL YTH did u do tat 2 hm? PLEASE TRNASLATE
  5. Which face is best for an "OMG"
  6. You want to start up a conversation. WHat do you type?
  7. YOu just saw a disgusting video, so your super mad. What two faces would you make?
  8. what is your replacement "your"?
  9. How do you swear, without actually swearing?
  10. you ahve to go, which is better?

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