The celtic afterlife

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A quiz for world mythology or you were just surfing the internet for something to do, but obviously you found this quiz. This quiz took time so pay attention to what it says.

This is not a personality quiz this is a %age quiz. You will either pass or fail. The credit for the quiz goes to Gloria, Helena, Caitlin, and Mathew.

Created by: Helena Stevens
  1. How did they perceive life after death
  2. The Druids are the early celtic priest hoods taught doctoring of the transfiguration of souls and disscussed the nature and power of the gods.
  3. They called their afterlife what?
  4. Who controllers the "underworld"
  5. The greatest of souls were not reincarnated
  6. What did the celtics imagine the underworld as?
  7. What belonged to ancient Indo-European tradition?
  8. When they reincarnate they are always human again
  9. What are the priests called
  10. Did the celts fear or in-brace death

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