The Carbon Cycle

This quiz is focused on how carbon is cycled through ecosystems. If you score well you have a strong understanding of this process, but if your score isn't where you want it to be please do not be discouraged, just try again.

The purpose of this assessment to give you information about you level of understanding of the carbon cycle. It is created to HELP you and prepare you for our end of chapter test.

Created by: Jamie Kipp
  1. Which of the following does NOT contain carbon from the dead bodies of plants and animals that died millions of years ago?
  2. Which statement describes how humans are affecting the balance of carbon in the atmosphere?
  3. Plants play a crucial role in the carbon cycle because they
  4. Which item is a carbon sink and NOT part of the carbon cycle?
  5. Carbon is part of all of the following EXCEPT
  6. Carbon dioxide gas in the environment gets converted to carbohydrates during
  7. The burning of fossil fuels is
  8. All of the following release carbon dioxide into the atmosphere EXCEPT
  9. Stored carbon left over from fats and oils in the bodies of plants and animals that died millions of years ago becomes
  10. Humans are increasing the amount of carbon dioxide in the environment by

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