The Breakfast Club ReWrite Pt. 3

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Hey people! Welcome back to the mind of 3moAng3l!!! Full of twisted humor, cliffhangers out the wazzoo and rabid panda pairs that are ready to attack at any time!

HEYYYY people. So, I'm horrible. I completely forgot I posted this until I was randomly going through my bookmarks on my computer and saw this. PLLLEEAASSEEE leave comments. I love them. Especially if they're nice (:

Created by: xX3mo_Ang3lXx

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Agitated, I got out of my seat and laid down on the ground beside my desk. I put my feet up on the edge of the desk and looked at the ceiling. "You better not get caught," Prissy said, looking at me. "Or what?" I asked. "He'll give me another weekend?" "Speaking of which," John said, twisting in his seat to look at me. "I was actually trying to help you." "Instead, you got as many weekends as I did," I snorted. "Congratulations."
  2. I fiddled with a string on my jeans. The laces of my black combat boots were undone and I was idly swinging them back and forth. I looked over to see the quiet girl in the back wrapping a string around her finger and turning it purple. I looked over at Andy to see he was playing with his string in his sweatshirt. I wished I could do that, but nooo. I just had to choose today to leave my freakin' hoody at home. Miss Priss was staring off into space, and Bender proceeded to set the bottom of his boot on fire. He took out a cigarette and I sat up, watching him. He lit the cigarette then looked over at me. "See something you like Peaches?"
  3. I rolled my eyes and got to my feet. I walked over and sat on the edge of his desk. He looked up at me and I stole the cigarette from his mouth. I held it in my hand and looked at it. "You know, these are bad for your health." "What isn't bad for your health?" he asked. Feeling brave, I took a drag. It was nasty, but I didn't let it show as I blew the smoke from my mouth towards the ceiling. "You'd be surprised." He stared at me for a second. I broke the gaze and yanked his jacket from the back of the chair. "What're ya doing?" he asked me as I walked back to the table. I rolled up the long trench coat and put it on the table. I kicked my boots off and climbed onto the table, resting my head on the coat. "What does it look like?" I asked before closing my eyes. I needed this, I needed sleep so badly, it wasn't even funny. I took a deep breath, and made note that the jacket smelled of cigarette smoke, body wash, and something else that only John could smell like...
  4. "WAKE UP!" was the first thing that woke me up. I didn't move, but I listened as Vernon switched his footing. It was quiet, and I was pretty sure that everyone else had taken my choice and went to sleep too. "Who has to go to the lavatory?" I don't know about anyone else, but I raised my hand. We trudged down the halls and did our business, then came back and Vernon went back in his office. I was aimlessly walking around the library, trying to get the feeling back in my legs. Sporto was stretching, and John was sitting on one of the big desks ripping up a book, steadily tearing the pages out and throwing them over his shoulder. "That's real intelligent," Andy muttered. "You're's wrong to destroy literature," John retorted. "It's so fun to read. Besides," he said, looking down at the book, "Molet really pumps my nads!" "It's Mol-yare," I told him. He looked up at me and stared a bit longer than necessary. I started to squirm under his gaze and looked away.
  5. "I love his work," Brian said, standing by an open doorway to one of the librarian's offices. John tore his eyes away from me and threw the rest of the untorn book at him. He picked up a card catalogue drawer and began to take some cards out and putting them back in the wrong order. "Big deal, nothing to do when you're locked in a vacancy." "Speak for yourself," Andy grumbled. "You think I'd speak for you? I don't even know your language!" Bender replied. Sporto started talking to Prissy and I walked over to Bender. "Do you think that you could possibly be nice for once in your life?" "Sorry Sweetcheeks," he said, looking up at me. "Not in my DNA." We had yet another staring contest, and I wasn't backing down. "Who do you like better?" Bender suddenly asked. "What?" I asked confused. He said nothing, just nodded towards Prissy. "What are you talking about?" she asked, confused as I was. "You like your old man better than your mom?" "They're both screwed." "No, I mean, if you had to choose between them." She shrugged. "I don't know. I'd probably go live with my brother. I mean, I don't think either one of them gives a s--- about me...its like they use me just to get back at each other." "HA!" We all looked at the back to the girl who was sitting by the table. She looked at the ceiling away from all of us and blew her bangs from her face.
  6. "You're just feeling sorry for yourself," I spoke up. "Yeah, well if I didn't nobody else would," she retorted. I clutched at my chest and made a mocking sad face. "Aw, you're breaking my heart." "Sporto," Bender piped up. "What?" John jumped down and came to stand beside me. "You get along with your parents?" "Well if I say yes, I'm an idiot right?" "You're an idiot anyway," John continued, crossing his arms. "But if you say you get along with your parents well you're a liar too..." John turned and walked away, but Sporto followed him and pushed John. "Cut it out," I said loudly. John looked at me before getting in Andy's face.
  7. "You know something man, if we weren't in school right now, I'd waste you!" Andy exclaimed, obviously ticked off. Bender pointed his middle finger at the floor. "Can you hear this? Want me to turn it up so you can?" John flipped his hand around so that he flipped off Andy. Knowing that this was going to get out of hand, I walked over and stepped in-between them. I put my hands on their chest, slightly shoving them in opposite directions. "Enough," I told them, looking back and forth. Andy shoved me out of the way and I stumbled backwards. I backed into one of the bookcases and it knocked the breath out of me. Before I knew it, Bender started hitting Andy in his face and had him tackled on the ground, beating the living s--- out of him. I gathered my strength back up and stormed over to John, who was working on giving poor Andy several bumps and bruises. I grabbed the back of John's collar and yanked him off of Andy before he killed him. "Don't ever f---ing touch a woman you lousy piece of s---," John hissed as I dragged him away. I knew he could easily have stopped me from taking him away, but he chose not to. I looked behind me at Andy still on the floor and Prissy just standing there with her mouth open. "Clean him up. If Vernon comes in here and he's like that, we're all in deep s---."
  8. Prissy snapped out of it and helped Andy to his feet. I was pulling John by his arms to the upstairs bathroom. I pushed him inside and closed the door behind me. It was a single, unisex bathroom that hardly anyone used, mainly because of fear of hygiene issues, but it was decently clean nonetheless. I looked up at John and glared at him. His eyes were kind of wild with rage still, but it didn't bother me a bit. "What the hell is wrong with you? You could have seriously hurt him!" "Look, if I wanted a griping at, I'd just go tell Vernon what I just did." "If you go and tell Vernon, he'd have your ass in jail before you could blink." He said nothing, just staring at me. I sighed. "Are you okay?" "I should be asking you that Alexa."
  9. Not expecting that answer, I stammered. "I-Yeah, I'm fine. Why do you care anyways? I mean, it's not like-" I was interrupted, in a way I would've never thought imaginable. He ducked his head towards mine and kissed me. It wasn't a hungry, I-have-to-have-you-now, kiss. It was one of those sweet, tender, affectionate ones that could practically melt you heart at the drop of a dime. I honestly didn't know how to respond at first, mainly because I was in shock. Never in a million years would I have expected this to happen. It took me a second, but I began kissing him back. His lips were surprisingly soft against mine as he gently nibbled on my bottom lip. I sucked in a breath and pulled away. I looked into his eyes and at this point, it was safe to say that I was a little more than confused now. "What the hell was that?" I asked, not really knowing what else to say.
  10. "To stop you from babbling for one," he said, an amusing smile on his face. I narrowed my eyes. "Well I wouldn't have to babble if you didn't go looking for trouble." He playfully rolled his eyes and opened the door. "Trouble's my middle name babe." I walked out of the tiny room behind him. "John "Trouble" Bender. Catchy." He looked back at me and narrowed his eyes. He stopped where he was and backed me up against the wall. I could've easily stopped him, but decided to play along. I looked up at him, and he lifted my chin with a single finger. "Easy there princess, that mouth of yours might get you in trouble." I made a face at him and ducked under his arm and walked back to my seat.
  11. Tell me what you think peeps! and please, no rabid ones are nice though (;

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