The Brainiac Tester

There are only a small amount of real geniuses out there, but after taking this quiz, you can soon become one!! The benefits of this quiz are high, as is your brainpower, I hope.

You will soon know if you are the world's smartest genius, if you even are one. This quiz will determine that longly lingering thought of yours, "am I a genius?"

Created by: Hope
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Your friends make a bad desicion. Do you...
  2. You get blamed for something you know your friend did, do you...
  3. what is the square root of 529, no calculators.
  4. You are asked to be the student teacher while the teacher steps out for a minute, you
  5. Do you have a crush?
  6. Are you a teacher's pet.
  7. Where do you live
  8. Do you love to go to school?
  9. What was your last test score
  10. What is/was your favorite subject?

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