the BOSS TEST 9000

This quiz is about jack septic eyes bossotronio army of pepolE that love jack septic eye if you pass you are aprooved boss if you fail i think your a non jack septic eye lover

But if you dont like the boss which is the jack septic eye i hate you you peice of bilony btw im not the real jack septic eye if you wanted to know that

Created by: the xboxer
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Whats jacks real name ?
  2. Did clever bot evie find out jacks real name
  3. What year was the boss born
  4. What age is jack
  5. What console does jack play gta v on
  6. Does jack have ads on his vids
  7. Is jack a BOSS
  8. Is clever bot evie a girl
  9. Are you a Boss and think youll pass
  10. Is jack the ultamate boss

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